Term Insurance – A Budget Friendly All Time Protection

Term insurance  is the most affordable form of life insurance that provides PROTECTION only for a specific period.  This plan is applicable to those persons who have limited budget but still want to protect the future of their family in case something bad happens.

We are working hard to build a solid financial foundation for our future and our family. But human life is exposed to many uncertainties as we progress in our work or career, and as we age or grow older.

So every result that we get from striving hard needs to be protected so as not to be wiped away rapidly.

Life insurance is a system designed to protect people against FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS in the event of a loss. It can:

  • Provide for dependent family members
  • Protect future insurability
  • Cover costs related to death
  • Protect  a company’s financial success
  • Pay taxes on an estate
  • Cover costs related to disability
  • Provide future need for money for living too long

Life insurance is not only for the RICH people. All the more, it is needed by people or family who’s the main source of income is the money that the sole breadwinner provides for them.

Having a small budget within the family is never a hindrance to get protected. There are insurance that provide all time protection which requires a minimum budget only. These are called term insurance.

With Sun Life, our term insurance include Sun Safer Life, Sun Life Assure, Sun Maiden and Sun Maiden Plus.

1.Sun Safer Life Term Insurance

term insurance sun safer life

  • It is a 5-yearly renewable and convertible term insurance that offers life insurance protection equivalent to 200% of the Face Amount until age 75.
  • The plan automatically renews every 5 years until age 74 (without evidence of insurability) and premium increases as you renew or convert the plan to either Whole Life, Endowment or VUL (at attained age).
  •  Available riders are Accidental Death Benefit and Total Disability Benefit.
  • No savings component. Main purpose of the plan is pure protection.
  • This plan is perfect for those individuals who are looking for simple and pure protection product, insurance to cover an existing loan, help pay a mortgage or pay-off estate taxes, additional protection at low cost for those who have existing life insurance policies with inadequate coverage.

sun safer life

2. Sun Life Assure Term Insurance

term insurance

  • It is a 5-yearly renewable term insurance which pays the face amount either upon death or upon diagnosis of critical illness while the insured is alive, whichever occurs first.
  • The plan covers you from 36 critical illnesses until age 70  and is renewable up to age 69 (w/o evidence of insurability).

sun lifeassure CI list

  • Available riders are Accidental Death Benefit and Total Disability Benefit.
  •  Just like Sun Safer Life, this plan has no savings component and purpose is mainly for protection.
  • Also, the plan is not convertible and perfect for those individuals who are looking for income protection and health coverage.

3. Sun Maiden and Sun Maiden Plus

  • This plan is also a 5-yearly renewable term insurance and not convertible. It provides financial assistance wherein insured will be given a percentage of the face amount for Female Specific Critical Illnesses.

term insurance

  • The plan includes FREE 5 Diagnostic/Preventive Procedures within the first 10 years of the policy which can be availed once annually after the 1st policy anniversary.
  • For Maiden Plus, maternity benefit of 2% of the face amount for every child delivered; maximum of 3 children. It will provide you 10% for any of the following Pregnancy Complications: Ectopic Pregnancy, Hydatidiform Mole and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC).
  • Coverage is until age 65. Available riders are Accidental Death Benefit, Total Disability benefit and Critical Illness Benefit.

Want to get a plan already? Fill up the form below and let’s set an appointment to further discuss the plan! 🙂

Proposal Inquiry:

*Rest assured all information that will be taken are strictly confidential.


Remember, it’s always a struggle when you lose someone you love. But your emotional struggles don’t need to be compounded by financial difficulties. Get life insurance today! 🙂

Your financial advisor for life,

Christine Caranyagan

PS. Looking for a VUL plan? Check our Sun Maxilink Prime!