How to File Annual Income Tax Return ONLINE Using eBIR Forms (for 8% IT Rate)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Annual Income Tax Return deadline of filing has been extended from April 15, 2020 to May 15, 2020. Please be guided. See reference here.

But you don’t have to wait for the deadline if you can already file it ONLINE today. 🙂 Besides, what we will file for Annual Income Tax Return is our overall sales/income from last year which is 2019.

So let’s go and file our Annual Income Tax Return now using eBIR Forms.

eBIR Forms (noun) – provide taxpayers with an alternative mode of preparing and filing tax returns that is easier and more convenient. They will be able to fill up tax returns offline and submit it to the BIR through the Online eBIRForms System.

How to File Your Annual Income Tax Return ONLINE using eBIR Forms (for 8% IT Rate)

1. First, make sure that you have the latest offline “eBIRForms” package. Latest version as of March 2020 is v7.6. To download the latest package, just click here.

2. Enter your TIN # and RDO Code.

3. Double-check your email address. Make sure it is correct because this is where BIR will send your submitted form.

4. On the List of BIR Forms, select “BIR Form 1701A – Annual Income Tax Return (NEW)“.

5. On the 1701A Form, make sure that you are filing the correct year. In this case, we are filing for the year 2019.

6. Item #6, select for ‘Professional‘.

7. Item #7 (ATC), select II017 Income from Profession-8% IT Rate if you’re a professional. Otherwise, select the option for Business Income.

8. Enter Date of Birth and Citizenship.

9. Item #13, select No if you’re not claiming foreign tax credits. Otherwise, click Yes.

10. Item #16, select your applicable Civil Status.

11. Item #19, select the 8% in lieu of Graduated Rates.

12. We will skip Part II in the meantime and we’ll proceed to page 2 by clicking Next.

13. Go to Part IV.B as we are computing based on 8% Income Tax Rate.

14. Item #47, enter the total Sales you’ve incurred for the year 2019.

15. Then proceed with Item #54 and enter the amount of Php250,000 (allowable reduction from gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income of PURELY self-employed individuals and/or professionals).

16. You can already see the computed Tax Due that you need to pay.

Part IV.C – Tax Credits/Payments

17. Item #57, input any excess tax credits last year (2018).

18. Item #59, input the sum of all Tax Withheld for the first three quarters.

19. Item #60, input your Creditable Tax Withheld for the 4th Quarter.

20. Item #64 and #65, you will see your Total Tax Credits/Payments and overpayment.

21. Go back to Page 1 by clicking Previous.

22. There you will see a quick summary of your Tax Payable on PART II – TOTAL TAX PAYABLE. These are the values that are automatically computed/entered from Page 2.

Additional Note: If in case you have tax due payable, you have the option to pay it in installment. Just input 50% or less of Item #20 and 2nd installment should be paid on or before October 15.

23. Right after Item #30, there is an option for you what to do with your overpayment of tax (if there is). Just select what’s convenient for you.

24. Then click “Validate“.

25. Double-check everything before clicking the “Submit” button. If everything’s already correct, then you can click “Submit“.

Note: It will take a few seconds to minutes before the form is successfully submitted.

Once done, a success page will come out and will show you the link on how you can pay your Annual Income Tax Return.

>>>VIDEO: How to File Annual Income Tax Return ONLINE thru eBIR Forms<<<

How to Pay Your Annual Income tax Return thru GCash

With the use of online bills payment today, you can already pay your Annual Income Tax Return thru GCash. Take note, there’s no service fee so it’s very convenient. You don’t have to go to the bank or BIR office to pay for it, just in the comfort of your home. 🙂

Don’t have GCash yet? It’s easy to have an account. Just click here and get Php50 cash upon registration. 

1. Tap the “Pay Bills” option.

2. From the Biller categories, choose “Government“.

3. Then choose BIR.

4. From the Form Series, select 1700. Then select 1701A.

5. Tax type is IT (Income Tax).

6. Return Period is usually the end of the tax period. In this case, the Return Period is 12/31/2019.

7. Enter TIN number & Branch Code.

P.S. Branch code is usually the last three numbers of your TIN#. Just input five zeros (00000) on the field to validate it. If you put only three, it will be invalid.

8. Input amount of tax due and your e-mail address for the receipt. Then click Next.

9. Confirm all the details.

10. Take a screenshot, save it as proof of your payment and you’re DONE! You have successfully paid your Annual Income Tax through GCash without the hassle of going to the BIR office and waiting in line. Congrats!

>>>VIDEO: How to Pay Your Annual Income Tax through GCash<<<

How to Save eBIR Forms into a PDF File

Lastly, of course, you would want to save your filed eBIR Form into a PDF file so you can have it printed or just have a soft copy.

1. Click the File option on the upper left portion of the eBIR Forms window.

2. Then click ‘Print Preview‘.

3. Select “Print” option.

4. On the Print option window, select “Microsoft Print to PDF” and click “Print“.

5. You can now save the PDF File to your desired location.

>>>VIDEO: How to Save eBIR Form into a PDF File<<<


Have you filed your Annual Income Tax already? Share your experience and feel free to leave a question in the comment section below.

Hoping this post can help us individual taxpayers in filing our income taxes online using eBIR forms. 

Let’s take advantage of the technology right now. Don’t wait for the deadline. File it today! 🙂

ALSO READ: Sun Maxilink Prime: Insurance + Investment Must Have (2020)

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